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Negative assertions or negative matchers in RestAssured API Testing Framework

I am API testing and I've noticed there aren't any negative matchers in the RestAssuredMatchers library. What I mean is:

For example:


Response response = expect().body("status",equalTo("success")).given()

Here I am basically saying with this "request" body, expect that status key in the response to equal "success".

From here I can extract status code to ensure this was a successful response form server and make a positive assertion


    int statusCode = response.getStatusCode(); 
    Assert.assertTrue(statusCode == 200, "status code should have been 200"); 

So here is where my question is:

Is there a library or some way I can do negative assertions and/or expectations such as:



int statusCode = response.getStatusCode(); 

or RestAssured.assertFalse(statusCode == 404);


Can anyone please help?


  • So figured out the parameter to RestAssured posts is not json dataformat but json payloads converted to strings. So you can do a negative assertion by converting to string then doing a contains...and then wrap that around an assertion. Here's a code example:


    Response responseLiheap = RestAssured.given().contentType("application/json").with()

    If you wanna inspect the response yourself you can print out the response by capturing the data the server sends back by this:


    ResponseBody<?> body = responseLiheap.getBody();"Response:--->" + body.asString()); 

    You can do a sysout or like me, use a logger and just read from that data as a sanity check for yourself.