I have a situation like this, I have a browse when I can double click an object and it opens in a form and then I am able to modify it (behind the scenes I am passing that object from one view model to another). Then I am able to modify its fields, however the textblock does it immediately, so I can see the fields changing before I press save changes, whats worse when I press cancel the modifications stay on the browse. I know I have to tell all the textboxes to UpdateSourceTrigger explicit, but I cannot find a simple example in an MVVM way, so only update when the button save is clicked and command associated with it is executed, that should force that explicit update on all texboxes. Any ideas how can I achieve it?
Thanks :)
You use magic. Or, you send a copy of the model, then wait for an OK, and on OK copy the values back to the original. Then you do a little dance and drink a little water.