select *
from zones z
where st_intersects(z.geom, st_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point( 2.336031, 48.863172), 3857),1));
It looks like the '1' in the st_buffer is being interpreted as degrees, I need to find geometries within n meters of a given point.
I did find a reference to a new function (st_Buffer_Meters) but that didn't seem to do anything different.
The actual query that ended up working was:
select nom
from zones s
where ST_DWITHIN(Geography(ST_Transform(s.geom,4326)), ST_Point($1, $2) ,$3);`
Where $1 is Longitude, $2 is Latitude and $3 is distance in meters.
In addition I changed my imported data from SRID 3857 to SRID 4326
Here's the gis.stackexchange question:
And here's the 'This has been asked before link