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Intergrate STUN server into XSockets.NET WebRTC

I'm quite new to this. How would I go about adding STUN functionality to my existing XSockets.NET WebRTC Javascript code?

This JS creates my connections. I am running the signalling server separate on a linux machine running mono.

<script type="text/javascript">
        var rtc, ws, currentContext, change;
        var roomName = '<?php echo $roomName; ?>';
        var myCtx = '<?php echo $roomHash; ?>'; 
        var XSocketsServerIP = '<?php echo $XSocketsServerIP; ?>';              
        var startofurl = "/";
        var myCtxURLVersion = startofurl.concat(roomName);

        window.history.pushState("", "title", myCtxURLVersion);

        //Create new XSockets WebSocket.
        ws = new XSockets.WebSocket(XSocketsServerIP);
        ws.onopen = function (connection) 
            console.log("Connection", connection);          

            rtc = new XSockets.WebRTC(ws);

            rtc.oncontextcreated = function(ctx) 
                console.log("ctx", ctx);

            rtc.oncontextchanged = function(change) 
                console.log("change of context", change);

            rtc.getUserMedia({audio:true,video:false}, function(result) 
                console.log("getUserMedia() success.", result);

            rtc.onremotestream = function(event) {

                var randhash = Math.floor((Math.random() * 9999) + 1);
                randhash =  hex_md5(randhash);
                var videoTag = document.createElement('video');
                videoTag.setAttribute("autoplay", "true");
                videoTag.setAttribute("poster", "images/user.png");


            rtc.onlocalstream = function(stream) 
                console.log("attach okay!");
                attachMediaStream(document.querySelector("#localVideo"), stream);

            ws.subscribe("onChangeContextFailed", function(data) 

            rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onPeerConnectionLost, function(peer) 
                console.log('OnPeerConnectionLost', peer);

        var root = "<?php echo $root; ?>";
        fullURL = root.concat(myCtxURLVersion);

        function urlIntoBox(myCtxURLVersion) {
            var textbox = document.getElementById('txtSelect');
            textbox.value = fullURL;

        function getNumVidsOnPage()
            var videos = document.getElementsByTagName('video'),
            numVideos = videos.length;


        var currVideos = getNumVidsOnPage();
        if (currVideos > 10)
            window.location.href = ""; 

How could I go ahead and add STUN functionality to make sure NAT users can also connect because at the moment they are having issues connecting.. Thanks!


  • Do not know if you are using XSockets version 3 or 4, but if you take a look at XSockets WebRTC on GitHub you will see that there is a section about configuration that shows how to change the stun server.

    Example from github:

    var rtc = new XSockets.WebRTC(broker, {
        iceServers: [{
            url: ''
        streamConstraints: {
            optional: [{
                'bandwidth': 500