I'm trying to print out raw ascii data to a thermal printer. I do this by using this code example: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322091 but my printer prints always only one character and this not until I press the form feed button. If I print something with notepad the printer will do a form feed automatically but without printing any text.
The printer is connected via usb over a lpt2usb adapter and Windows 7 uses the "Generic -> Generic / Text Only" driver.
Anyone knows what is going wrong? How is it possible to print some words and do some form feeds? Are there some control characters I have to send? And if yes: How do I send them?
Edit 14.04.2010 21:51
My code (C#) looks like this:
PrinterSettings s = new PrinterSettings();
s.PrinterName = "Generic / Text Only";
RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(s.PrinterName, "Test");
This code will return a "T" after I pressed the form feed button (This litte black button here: swissmania.ch/images/935-151.jpg - sorry, not enough reputation for two hyperlinks)
Edit 15.04.2010 16:56
I'm using now the code form here: c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/johnodonell/PrintingDirectlytothePrinter11222005001207AM/PrintingDirectlytothePrinter.aspx
I modified it a bit that I can use the following code:
byte[] toSend;
// 10 = line feed
// 13 carriage return/form feed
toSend = new byte[1] { 13 };
PrintDirect.WritePrinter(lhPrinter, toSend, toSend.Length, ref pcWritten);
Running this code has the same effekt like pressing the form feed button, it works fine!
But code like this still does not work:
byte[] toSend;
// 10 = line feed
// 13 carriage return/form feed
toSend = new byte[2] { 66, 67 };
PrintDirect.WritePrinter(lhPrinter, toSend, toSend.Length, ref pcWritten);
This will print out just a "B" but I expect "BC" and after running any code I have to reconnect the USB cable to make it work agian. Any ideas?
Okay, the reason for all that stuff is just the fact that I use an adapter because my computer does not has an old lpt port. I copied my application to an old computer running windows xp and everything works fine.
Now I have to hope that some other lpt2usb adaters I bought do their work correctly.
Edit 20.04.2010
With another lpt2usb adapter everything works fine now. If anyone is intersted in all the code I am using now, please contact me or comment here.