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Can't edit data in TADOTable

I made ​​the connection between C++Builder with access like this: ADOConnection> ADOTable> DataSource> DBGrid

I want to change the value of the current difficulties in this way ADOTable

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void __fastcall TForm1::DBGrid1CellClick(TColumn *Column) {
int a, b;
a = ADOTable1->FieldByName("Value1")->AsInteger;
b = ADOTable1->FieldByName("Value2")->AsInteger;
ADOTable1->FieldByName("Total")->AsInteger = a + b;

When I run the above command directly in case of error.

I hope you understand what I say. because I do not speak English


  • Before setting field value you need to go into Insert, Append or Edit state:

    ADOTable1->Edit(); // edit the current record
    ADOTable1->FieldByName("Total")->AsInteger = a + b;
    ADOTable1->Post(); // save changes