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Import for custom class in XbaseCompiler

I'm writing a DSL using XBase, and I've added a new parser rule which returns an XExpression in the grammar:

DatastepExpression returns xbase::XExpression: {DatastepExpression} 'data' name=ID '{' '}';

and added the appropriate function to the XbaseTypeComputer subclass:

protected def _computeTypes(DatastepExpression expression, ITypeComputationState state) {
    var type = getTypeForName(typeof(FileDataset), state)

Now I'm trying to add in the method to the XbaseCompiler subclass:

override protected doInternalToJavaStatement(XExpression expr, ITreeAppendable it, boolean isReferenced) {
    switch expr {
        DatastepExpression: {
            append('''FileDataset «»;''')
            super.doInternalToJavaStatement(expr, it, isReferenced)

where FileDataset is a custom class in my language API. How do I get this class to appear in the imports at the top of the generated files?

At the moment, when I create a new file in my language (in the runtime Eclipse) the generated Java file contains the FileDataset variable declaration but it has a red wavy line underneath and error "FileDataset cannot be resolved to a type"


  • ITreeAppendable has methods to append instances of Class, JvmType or LightweightTypeReference. A plain

    it.append(FileDataset).append(' ').append(

    should do the trick.