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How to increase the shown results from mobiscroll

i'm just working on an application which has a inline-scroller included. It works fine but i want to increase the results mobiscroll gives out.

I have a DB-Request which fills my Mobiscroll with select values but it only show me the first 2 results from my DB.

function querySuccess_a2_2(tx2, results2) {

     inhalt = results2.rows.length;
     sObject ="";
     for( x=0; x<inhalt; x++){
         sObject += "<option value='"+results2.rows.item(x).typ_id+"'>"+results2.rows.item(x).typ_name+"</option>"; 


     document.getElementById("sel").innerHTML ="<option value='99597'>Bitte Typ ausw&auml;hlen</option>"+sObject;

<form name="testform" action="" id="formIn_a2">         
<select name="States" id="sel" style="height:300px!important;">
<option default>Bitte Typ ausw&auml;hlen</option>

I would like to increase this to maybe 5-7 results but i can't figure out how to do this. I tried to increase the height of my div, or increase the high of the select i have, but nothing changes the results.

Where can i find the option to increase my results?


  • You can control the number of rows shown with the rows option.