I have a problem with one user. This user can't login to Mahara. At every attempt to login he sees this 2 messages (see the image below):
You have exceeded the maximum login attempts. This account has been locked for up to 5 minutes.
You have not provided the correct credentials to log in. Please check your username and password are correct.
In the first message is written to wait 5 minutes, but it doesn't matter how long he waits (1 hr, 1 day ...) he gets always this message. I have also changed the user password... Nothing
Setting up a cron job to trigger Mahara's cron job script solved the problem. Here is a forum thread (with more details) regarding this issue.
This issue is due to the fact that the column logintries
from table usr
for the corresponding user has reached the maximum allowed value. Thus resetting this column value to 0 will solve the problem. This can be done manually using SQL or by running Mahara's cron (recommended).
SQL solution: UPDATE usr SET logintries=0
(for all users) or UPDATE usr SET logintries=0 WHERE username = 'yourusername'
(for a specific user). But this is a short-term solution because you'll have to run it every time you'll encounter this issue.
Cron job solution: for an immediate result one can run Mahara's cron job directly in browser by accessing http://your-mahara-site.org/lib/cron.php
. But the execution of mahara's cron should be automated by adding a corresponding record in crontab, see System Administrator's Guide/Cron Job.