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Django tests - print all test failures for a series of n times the same test

I'd like that every assertion test in a TestCase is actually tested, even if the first one fails. In my situation, all the assertions are of the same nature.

Actually I have something that evaluates formulas written as Python objects (figure it as formulas written as strings to be eval'd). I'd like to do something like:

class MyTest(TestCase):
   def test_something(self):
       for id in ids:
           for expression in get_formulas(id):
                for variable in extract_variables(expression):
                    self.assertIn(variable, list_of_all_variables)

=> I want to see printed all of the variables that are not in the list_of_all_variables!

This is necessary for me to review all my so-called formulas and be able to correct errors.

Some more context:

I'm having a variable number of tests to perform (depending on a list of IDs written in a versioned data file) in one app.

To have a variable number of TestCase instances, I did write a base class (mixin), then build on-the-fly classes with the use of 3-args type function (that is creating classes).

This way, I have n tests, corresponding to the n different ids. It's a first step, but what I want is that each and every assertion in those tests gets tested and the corresponding assertion errors get printed.


  • As referenced in the question Continuing in Python's unittest when an assertion fails, failing at assertion errors is the hardcoded behavior of the TestCase class.

    So instead of changing it's behavior, I generated a lot of different test_... methods to my classes, in the following style:

    from django.test import TestCase
    from sys import modules
    # The list of all objects against which the tests have to be performed
    formids = [12,124,234]
    # get_formulas returns a list of formulas I have to test independently, linked to a formid
    formulas = {id: get_formulas(id) for id in formids}
    current_module = sys.modules(__name__)
    def test_formula_method(self, formula):
        # Does some assertions
        self.assertNotEqual(, 0)
    for formid in formids:
        attrs = {'formid': formid}
        for f in formulas[formid]:
            # f=f so the 2nd arg to test_formula_method is staying local
            # and not overwritten by last one in loop
            attrs['test_formula_%s' %] = lambda self, f=f: test_formula_method(self, f)
        klass_name = "TestForm%s" % formid
        klass = type(klass_name, (TestCase,), attrs)
        setattr(current_module, klass_name, klass)