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'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException' 'object' does not contain a definition for 'intEmployeeId'

I am getting an exception when i trying to display the values of viewbag. I have joined two tables and stored that data in viewbag using Linq.

This is my controller action method

    public ActionResult HRSeparationDetails()
        //List<trnEsSeparationDetail> separationlist = (from list in db.trnEsSeparationDetails
        //                                              select list).ToList();

        ViewBag.SeparationList = (from list in db.trnEsSeparationDetails
                                                      join R in db.mstEsEmpReasonForSeparations
                                                          on list.ReasonForSeperationId equals R.intSeperationId
                                                      select new
                                                          intEmployeeId = list.intEmpId,
                                                          ReasonForSeparation = R.txtReasonForSeperation,
                                                          ResiganationDate = list.dtResignationDate,
                                                          RelievingDate = list.dtRequestedRelievingDate,
                                                          SeparationRemarks = list.txtRemark

         return View();

This is my viewpage

     @model IEnumerable<EMPApp.Models.trnEsSeparationDetail>
     ViewBag.Title = "HRSeparationDetails";
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

     @if (ViewBag.SeparationList == null)
        <div style="color:green"><h3>@ViewBag.SeparationerrorMessage</h3></div>
        <table class="grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <b>Employee Id</b>
                    <b>Reason For Separation</b>
                    <b>Resignation Date</b>
                    <b>Relieving Date</b>
                    <b>Separation Remarks</b>
            @foreach (var item in ViewBag.SeparationList)
                            Session["SeparationEmpId"] = item.intEmpId;
                        @Html.ActionLink(Session["SeparationEmpId"].ToString(), "EmployeeDashboard", "HRAdmin", new { id = @item.intEmpId }, null)*@

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..


  • ViewBag is a dynamic object and your setting the property to a collection of anonymous objects. In you foreach loop

    @foreach (var item in ViewBag.SeparationList)

    item is typeof object and object does not have a property intEmployeeId (or any of the other properties your define in the anonymous object). One way to handle this is to create a view model with the properties you want to display

    public class SeparationDetailVM
      public int intEmployeeId { get; set; }
      public DateTime ResiganationDate { get; set; }

    and in the controller

    var details = (from list in ....
                   select new SeparationDetailVM
                      intEmployeeId = list.intEmpId,
                      ResiganationDate = list.dtResignationDate,
    return View(details); // no need for ViewBag

    and in the view

    @model IEnumerable<YourAssembly.SeparationDetailVM>
    @foreach (var item in Model)