I'm stumped with this one and would really appreciate someone's help.
I'm customizing highslide for integration with wordpress. Via the following code within the highslide.config.js file I'm adding a class name to certain elements and passing different attributes through an onClick call depending on certain conditions.
Everything works until I add the following code:
slideshowGroup: this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id
When the above code is present, not only does that one statement not execute, but the whole thing stops working. Even if the if statement is something like if(1=1){}; it still breaks.
If I have instead simply slideshowGroup: this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id or nothing (the two options I'm looking for), both do what I would expect. I just need an if statement to switch between them.
Here's the relevant code:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var hsCustomGalleryGroupClass = 'fbbHighslide_GalleryGroup';
var hsCustomGalleryGroupChecker = 0;
var hsGroupByWpGallery = true;
jQuery('.' + hsCustomGalleryGroupClass).each(function(){
return false;
if (hsCustomGalleryGroupChecker > 0){
jQuery('.' + hsCustomGalleryGroupClass).each(function(i, $item) {
var grpID = $item.id;
jQuery('#' + grpID + ' .gallery-item a').addClass('highslide').each(function() {
this.onclick = function() {
return hs.expand(this, {
slideshowGroup: grpID
} else {
jQuery('.gallery-item a').addClass('highslide').each(function() {
this.onclick = function() {
return hs.expand(this, {
// This is the problem if statement
slideshowGroup: this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id
Thanks in advance.
The problem is you are trying to assign a conditional property.. you can't have a if
condition inside a object definition like that
jQuery('.gallery-item a').addClass('highslide').each(function () {
this.onclick = function () {
var obj = {};
//assign the property only if the condition is tru
if (hsGroupByWpGallery) {
obj.slideshowGroup = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id;
return hs.expand(this, obj);
Another way to do the same is
jQuery('.gallery-item a').addClass('highslide').each(function () {
this.onclick = function () {
//if the flag is true sent an object with the property else an empty object
return hs.expand(this, hsGroupByWpGallery ? {
slideshowGroup: this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id
} : {});