I have been searching and searching for a way to make the W3.org validator green light my HTML5 developments while including Dublin Core metadata.
This post (on Stack Overflow) asks the question: Does anyone bother with Dublin Core anymore?. And apparently, its time has not yet fully come.
I've also found pages, in varying languages, asking this unanswered question: How to make it validate?
So, brains of the internets … How DO you make it valid HTML5 while including DC. metatags?
<link rel="schema.dc" href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
and <link rel="schema.dc" href="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
are said to be required on the following links:
I've also read, that the namespaces of the terms for DC. and DCTERMS. are reserved.
And of course, as you'd no doubt know, the validator itself Using experimental feature: HTML5 Conformance Checker.
So, any ideas? Any inside knowledge?
Actually.. you know what? I've just worked something out.
Based on the idea of "If the name spaces for the terms are reserved" and "I wonder what would happen if...", I just removed the link tag. Of course, the error goes away - but low and behold it all seems happy. No Extra Errors! :)
So, that was easier than expected.
Please comment and update this as things change and time progresses.