Is it possible to assign range of numbers to a letter in python, without getting into the loop, I am trying to print a row of numbers separated by pipe,these rows will be the index of a list contents so it depends on the length of the list,so if the length of the list was (4) the output would look like this:
I can't use a for loop sice it will keep printing everything so:
for i in range (length):
print (("|","%5s"%("|"),"%7d"%(i))
I was thinking about something without going the loop it's self ,some letter to save the set of numbers, so maybe I am asking about something like this(i know it's not possible this way but,something similar maybe?):
i in range (length)
and then loop only the "i" value using a while loop!
Use the end
argument of print
to control the line end behavior. Setting end
to an empty string will remove the default newline; that way, multiple print
statements can write on a single line.
print('| ', end='')
for i in range(4):
print(str(i) + ' | ', end='')
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |