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Illegal start of expression in my ESP Game Methods

The line public static String guessColor(Scanner keyboard) is where my errors are. The errors are as follows: illegal start of expression: at public, and at static. error: ';' expected: in between String and guessColor. error ';' expected: in between Scanner and keyboard. illegal start of expression: at ) in that line.

public class RichardsonESPGame
public static void main(String[] args)
     String random;
     String guess;         
     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;         

     random = computerColor();
     guess = guessColor(keyboard);         
     String end = recordGame(random, guess);

In this method the color choices will be displayed.
public static String computerColor()
     Random rand = new Random();
     int color = rand.nextInt(5) + 1;
     return receiveColor(color);

This method will give the computer and user its color options.
public static String receiveColor(int color)
     String selection;   
     switch (color)
        case 1:
        selection = "Red";
        case 2:
        selection = "Blue";
        case 3:
        selection = "Green";
        case 4:
        selection = "Yellow";
        case 5:
        selection = "Orange";
        System.out.println("Make a valid selection.");
        selection = null;
     return selection;

This method will get the user's color choice.
 public static String guessColor(Scanner keyboard)
    System.out.println("Enter a number from 1 to 5 to receive a color.\n 1 is Red\n 2 is Blue\n 3 is Green\n 4 is Yellow\n 5 is Orange\n");
    int richardsonGuessColor = keyboard.nextInt();
    String color = receiveColor(richardsonGuessColor);

    while (color == null)
        System.out.println("Enter a number from 1 to 5 to receive a color.\n 1 is Red\n 2 is Blue\n 3 is Green\n 4 is Yellow\n 5 is Orange\n");
        int guess = keyboard.nextInt();
        color = receiveColor(richardsonGuessColor);

    return color;         

This method will determine if user guesses correctly.

public static String recordGame(String richardsonComputerColor, String richardsonGuessColor)

     String end;
     end = "The computer's choice was: " + richardsonComputerColor;
     end += "Your choice was: " + richardsonGuessColor;

               if (richardsonComputerColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Red"))
                 end += "You guessed correctly!";
                 result += "You guessed incorrectly.";

      else if(richardsonGuessColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Blue"))
                  if (richardsonComputerColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Blue"))
                    end += "You guessed correctly!";
                    result += "You guessed incorrectly.";

      else if(richardsonGuessColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Green"))
                  if (richardsonComputerColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Green"))
                    end += "You guessed correctly!";
                    result += "You guessed incorrectly.";
     else if(richardsonGuessColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Yellow"))
                  if (richardsonComputerColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Yellow"))
                    end += "You guessed correctly!";
                    result += "You guessed incorrectly.";
     else if(richardsonGuessColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Orange"))
                  if (richardsonComputerColor.equalsIgnoreCase("Orange"))
                    end += "You guessed correctly!";
                    result += "You guessed incorrectly.";
     return end;



  • This happens because you never made the final closing bracket in the previous method. To fix it all you need to add is a closing bracket after the return statement on the recieveColor method