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converting HTML4 websites to haskell with blaze-from-html

I am trying to convert websites into the HTML data structure given by blaze.

curl -S | blaze-from-html

This example is taken from the end of the blaze-html tutorial. Curl obviously works, but this library can't build of the HTML

html $ do
    H.head $ H.title "301 Moved Permanently"
blaze-from-html: Attribute bgcolor is illegal in html5

Indeed, bgcolor has been deprecated. How to I get blaze to run with HTML4?

curl -S | blaze-from-html -v html4-transitional

As suggested by the comments I used some transitional features and I get a 301. Does this page get redirected?

html $ do
    H.head $ H.title "301 Moved Permanently"
    body ! bgcolor "white" $ do
        center $ h1 "301 Moved Permanently"
        center "nginx/1.2.1"

However, wget returns the HTML content of the page.


  • This works for me:

    curl -S | blaze-from-html -v html4-transitional

    As suggested in the documentation you linked.

    As for why one page is empty and says it's been redirected, it appears that curl sees a difference between and, and the website you're downloading is erroneously treating them differently as well, while wget seems to automatically redirect like my browser does. I would suggest contacting the website author and suggesting that he fix this behavior.