Here is a multiplayer game and I need to display two notifications to player: first when rival disconnected due to some networking problems, and second - when he left game intentionally.
Room is created with auto-match criteria (max players - 2). And each time when one of the players left game due to network problems or intentionally RoomStatusUpdateListener
callbacks called in the next order:
, onPeerLeft
, onPeersDisconnected
So I show notification in onDisconnectedFromRoom
callback, the problem is you can't detect if it was network problem that happened to rival or he left intentionally. Participant.getStatus()
So, how to detect if client left room intentionally?
Thank you in advance!
you can send game data between the clients. So just in case a player wants to left the game, send a message that this specific user will disconnect now to all other players.
best whishes, Steve.