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Using grails spring security to secure URLs with http method

I'm using spring security, and I want to secure URLs with http method, in other words I want something like this in my config.groovy:

grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
    '/api/person/**':  ['ROLE_ADMIN'], //IF HTTP "POST"
    '/api/person/**':  ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], //IF HTTP "GET"

Is it possible? I know that there are of course other ways to achieve this but I prefer to solve the problem in this way.

p.s. this question has already been asked here before.


  • I tested out the following and it seemed to work quite well:

    grails.plugin.springsecurity.securityConfigType = SecurityConfigType.InterceptUrlMap
    grails.plugin.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
        '/myFirst/**': ["request.getMethod().equals('GET') || hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"],
        '/mySecond/**': ["permitAll"]

    I based the usage of request.getMethod() on the documentation found at the link below and took a little liberty in using an || expression.

    In your example you supplied two entries for 'api/person/**', but that unfortunately won't work because each entry would have the same key for the interceptUrlMap. Combine what you want for options with || and &&.