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Fatal error: Class 'PPXmlMessage' not found . what is it?

I was looking the masspay php sdk provided by from github) in my sandbox.But it gaves me an error when i tried to pay to one of my sandbox test account. here is the response from paypal server. can anyone help me to fix this issue

$massPayRequest = new MassPayRequestType(); on line 11


Fatal error: Class 'MassPayRequestType' not found 0n c:..\x\y\z\MassPay.php on line 11

I didn't get what is the exact problem . I thought it was some problem in php lib sdk files.

So please help me.............


  • You are using the merchant-sdk for PayPal but you are not including the core classes provided in the sdk-core. Anyone getting this simply go to and add the core classes.