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Unable to configure Facebook app for Facebook App Center - App details page

I have an iOS app that uses iOS SDK and has been approved by Facebook for basic info + date of birth + location city

I want to list it on the App Center and trying to submit another application with the following permission:

App Details You only need to submit App Details when you want your app to be listed in App Center. Your app is automatically searchable on Facebook once you fill out App Details and make your app public.

However, I am getting an error that the App Details is not complete, but upon checking that page it does look complete to me (image attached)

Any idea about what is still missing and how to complete it? Thanks a lot

enter image description here

I can confirm that all non-optional picture fields have been filled in, if not apparent from this image attached

Also to confirm, the App Center Listed Platforms could not be configured as both the buttons are inactive

enter image description here


  • For starters, under App Center Listed Platforms you have both options set to no. One needs to say yes.