I am trying to run a backup script to backup database Sample
su -c "${DB2Home}/db2 quiesce database immediate force connections" ${InstanceName}
echo "[INFO:`date`]Executing the backup command: ${DB2Home}/db2 backup database ${Primary_Server_DBName} to ${BackupFolder} compress without prompting "
su -c "${DB2Home}/db2 backup database ${Primary_Server_DBName} to ${BackupFolder} compress without prompting" ${InstanceName}
I executed the script as a root user not as db2inst1 user
I am getting the following error
[INFO:Tue Oct 21 18:44:23 IST 2014]Executing the backup command: /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/bin/db2 backup database TIPDB to /home/db2inst1/backupFolder compress without prompting
DB21019E An error occurred while accessing the directory
The solution is to add . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
before the db2 operations