There is some part of code.
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/', MainPage),
('/gbook', Guestbook)
As I understand it is a list of tuples:
[('/', MainPage), ('/gbook', Guestbook)]
Correct me please if I'm wrong.
And I have question: Where is obvious creation of instance of MainPage class and Guestbook?
Something like that: x = MainPage('/')
If this happens by this tuple ('/', MainPage)
, then my question: how it's happens?
I need some explanation.
The WSGIApplication
it self creates the instances of the classes. In python you can pass classes around, just like you would pass instances of a class. For example:
class A:
def __init__(self):
print "A Created"
def foo(cls):
inst = cls()
If you run this script it will print out "A Created" because you are passing in the class to foo
which is creating a new instance from that class.