Are there arrays in LaTeX? I don't mean the way to typeset arrays. I mean arrays as the data structure in LaTeX/TeX as a "programming language". I need to store a number of vbox-es or hbox-es in an array. It may be something like "an array of macros".
More details: I have an environment that should typeset songs. I need to store some songs' paragraphs given as arguments to my macro \songparagraph (so I will not typeset them, just store those paragraphs). As I don't know how many paragraphs can be in one particular song I need an array for this. When the environment is closed, all the paragraphs will be typeset - but they will be first measured and the best placement for each paragraph will be computed (for example, some paragraphs can be put one aside the other in two columns to make the song look more compact and save some space).
Any ideas would be welcome. Please, if you know about arrays in LaTeX, post a link to some basic documentation, tutorial or just state basic commands.
Check out Arrayjob which implements arrays for LaTeX. Admittedly, I've only peeked at it, so I don't know how effective it will be. But, if you don't have to write it yourself ...