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Structuremap 3 constructor that accepts list of all registered types/instances

I have an object which expects an IEnumerable<IPluginType> as a parameter to it's constructor. I also have a line in my container configuration which adds all implementers of IPluginType:

x.Scan(s =>


I've confirmed via container.WhatDoIHave() that the expected implementers are registered, but the IEnumerable is not being populated.

I guess I'm being a little optimistic thinking that Structuremap will know what I mean, how can I tell it?


  • If the IPluginTypes are definitely registered in the Container as you say, StructureMap does resolve it correctly and pass one of each registered type into the IEnumerable. As you found, you need to use interfaces, not abstract types.

    Here is a complete working example (or as a dotnetfiddle):

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using StructureMap;
    namespace StructureMapTest
        public class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                var container = new Container();
                container.Configure(x =>
                    x.Scan(s =>
                var myType = container.GetInstance<IMyType>();
        public interface IMyType
            void PrintPlugins();
        public class MyType : IMyType
            private readonly IEnumerable<IPluginType> plugins;
            public MyType(IEnumerable<IPluginType> plugins)
                this.plugins = plugins;
            public void PrintPlugins()
                foreach (var item in plugins)
        public interface IPluginType
            void DoSomething();
        public class Plugin1 : IPluginType
            public void DoSomething()
        public class Plugin2 : IPluginType
            public void DoSomething()