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How do I get the ng-model of a select tag to get the initially-selected option?

I'm pretty new to Angular, so I may be going about this all wrong...

I have a <select> similar to the following:

<select ng-model="mySelectedValue">
    <option value="">--</option>
    <option ng-repeat="myValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues" value="{{myValue}}" ng-selected="myFunctionForDeterminingWhetherValueIsSelected(myValue)">{{myValue}}</option>

This mostly works... The dropdown initially renders with the correct option selected, and if I change the selected option, then mySelectedValue will get the new selection. However, mySelectedValue does NOT get the initially-selected option. mySelectedValue is blank until I change the value in the dropdown.

I looked at ng-init, but that seems to get evaluated before someDynamicArrayOfValues is set...

Is there a way I can get mySelectedValue to receive the value in the initially-selected <option>?

I forgot to mention that I had also tried using ng-options, but haven't had any luck getting that to work in conjunction with determining which option was selected.

I've tried this:

<div ng-show="someDynamicArrayOfValues">
    <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" ng-options="arrayValue for arrayValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues" ng-selected="myFunctionForDeterminingWhetherValueIsSelected(arrayValue)">
        <option value="">--</option>

and this:

<div ng-show="someDynamicArrayOfValues">
    <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" ng-options="arrayValue for arrayValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues" ng-init="myFunctionForSettingSelectedValue()">
        <option value="">--</option>

but neither of those work because the select is built (and ng-init and ng-selected both get evaluated) before someDynamicArrayOfValues has been set and, therefore, before the <select> is even visible. When using <option ng-repeat="...">, the <select> doesn't get built/initialized until after someDynamicArrayOfValues is set, which is why I had been going that direction.

Is there a way to get the ng-options technique to work while, at the same time, having the select dependent on someDynamicArrayOfValues (if ng-options is the better way to go)?

Here's a Plunker (modified from ababashka's answer) that is a little closer to what I'm ultimately trying to achieve: It's not quite there yet... I'd like it to have each of the 3 dropdowns set with the closest-matching dynamic value once someDynamicArrayOfValues is set.


  • I think that it will be good it you will use ng-options attribute of select tag. It's an angular directive which creates options according to Array of options. You can take a look at select documentation
    If you use your code - your function myFunctionForDeterminingWhetherValueIsSelected works twice for every option at initialization and once for every option item when you select some another option.

    Demo with your code:

    Demo for select you could see at description of select directive.


    At first, to see when value is changed - you need to use ng-change attribute of select tag, like this:

    <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" 
      ng-options="myValue for myValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues"
      <option value="">--</option>

    Then, i don't know how does myFunctionForSettingSelectedValue look like, but there are 2 variants:

    • This function returns some value - then you need to use ng-init next way.


      $scope.someInitFunc = function () {
        return 'One';


    <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" 
          ng-options="myValue for myValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues"
          ng-init="mySelectedValue = someInitFunc()">
          <option value="">--</option>
    • You set value of mySelectedValue in this function - then you do this.


    $scope.someInitFunc = function () {
      $scope.mySelectedValue = 'One';


    <select ng-model="mySelectedValue" 
      ng-options="myValue for myValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues"
      <option value="">--</option>

    I have created an example which implements the first version of using ng-init. When new value is selected - it's printed to console.

    Also, i moved options to the options.json file. So options are initialized just after ajax request was finished. Everything works great.


    Update 2

    Hello again. I think you don't need to have any ng-init according to your requirements. You can just initiate values of your model when http request is finished. Also i don't understand why do you need ng-change function in this case.

    Here is modified code you need from your plunk where values of ng-models are initiated after options are loaded.


    .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
      $scope.someStaticArrayOfValues = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
      $scope.mySelectedValues = {};
        function (response) {
          $scope.someDynamicArrayOfValues =;
          for (var i = 0; i < $scope.someStaticArrayOfValues.length; ++i) {
            $scope.someDynamicArrayOfValues.some(function (value) {
              if (value.substring(0, $scope.someStaticArrayOfValues[i].length) === $scope.someStaticArrayOfValues[i]) {
                $scope.mySelectedValues[$scope.someStaticArrayOfValues[i]] = value;
                return true;
        function (response) {


      <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
        <p>Hello {{name}}!</p>
        <div ng-show="someDynamicArrayOfValues">
            <li ng-repeat="staticValue in someStaticArrayOfValues">
              {{staticValue}} - 
              <select ng-model="mySelectedValues[staticValue]" 
                ng-options="myValue for myValue in someDynamicArrayOfValues">
                <option value="">--</option>
