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Getting rid of localhost:3000 URLs for ReactAsync

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When using react-async is is common to have code which looks like:

var UserPage = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ReactAsync.Mixin],

  statics: {
    getUserInfo: function(username, cb) {
        'localhost:3000/api/users/' + username,
        function(err, res) {
          cb(err, res ? res.body : null);

  getInitialStateAsync: function(cb) {
    this.type.getUserInfo(this.props.username, cb);


The problem with this is that it only runs correctly in a browser running on the server.

Using the obvious solution of making the URLs relative (e.g. '/api/users/' + username has a subtle issue.

It seems to work, when moving between pages, but does not work on a page reload or initial load. (You do not actually move between pages in a ReactJS app, it's just the URL that changes.)

The cause of this issue is that the server needs to call the AJAX API, during server-side rendering, but the server has no knowledge of the page origin as seen by browsers (

Is there a way of telling this to the server-side renderer?

(I have already thought of a nasty work-around, where you use full URLs for both client and server, but this must be configured explicitly for each development, test and production server that runs the code.)


  • To start, use a simple plugin function for superagent. This rewrites absolute urls - but only on the server. This means that the browser will make a request to '/api' and the server will make it to 'localhost:port/api'.

    function fixUrlPlugin(port){
      return function fixUrl(req){
        if (process.browser) return req;
        if (req.url[0] === '/') {
            req.url = 'localhost:' + port + req.url
        return req;

    Now somewhere in your code, you'll run this and save the output in a module.

    module.exports = fixUrlPlugin(8080);

    And then your code can be come:

    var urlPlugin = require('./path/to/that/module.js');
    // ...
      statics: {
        getUserInfo: function(username, cb) {
          superagent.get('/api/users/' + username)
            .end(function(err, res) {
              cb(err, res ? res.body : null);