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Parallelization of Floyd-Warshall algorithm in matlab

I know this question has been answered several times before but I checked all the previous answers to remedy my situation but it didn't help.

What i need to do is to parallelize my loop so that each city (or the inner loop) is processed parallel. But while using parfor i get the error "The variable A in a parfor cannot be classified". The 2d matrix has a fixed size of n X n. i don't know see the problem. kindly help me out...

the c implementation that i was provided was done using mpi.h . using mpicc. what i need to achieve is that there should be n processes, each responsible to find the shortest paths from its local city to all other cities.

Every case if different. In my case:


parfor (int_city=2:n,n-1)
% broadcast all --  create threads to handle each city
  for local_city=my_first_city:n
    for city2=2:n

Here's my function to compute shortest paths:

function [ A,init ] = floydWarshall(input_matrix, n )
%% Floyd_Warshall algorithm is an analytical algorithm for finding shortest paths in weighted graph ,
%  for example an adjacency matrix or a map graph.
% Floyd_Warshall algorithm compares all possible paths through a graph between each pair of vertices,
% The complexity of this algorithm is O(n^3) where n is the number of vertices, or nodes.
%% Floyd_Warshall
% inputs : 
%       n          = number of vertices to initialize an adjacency matrix.
%    input_matrix  = the input matrix of initial weights or path costs. a nXn matrix
% outputs: 
%       A  = the matrix after floydWarshall algo is applied and the matrix contains the shortest
%            paths from each node to each other node
%     init = The original matrix with all the costs from each node to each other node.
elseif (nargin<1)

for i=1:n    % marking the border rows and columns with cities

for i=1:n    % making sure that the distance from a city i to city i is 0

for i=2:n   
    for j=2:n
        A(i,j)=input_matrix(i,j);  % input matrix, values 

init=A;   % temp variable to store the old matrix
for int_city=2:n
    for city1=2:n
        for city2=2:n
        end  % floyd-warshall


  • I believe that your problem is the fact that you are not "slicing" A matrix.

    parfor construct in Matlab creates processes. That means that all the processes will compete to update variable A, simultaneously. I don't know whether Matlab implements a shared memory between the processes and proper synchronization. It looks like it doesn't.

    If Matlab was creating threads, then it would have been easier to synchronize accesses to A because all threads whould have had access to it, being in a single process. With processes is more complicated.

    So your problem is that A is shared between processes. To avoid this problem you can split the A matrix into n variables (equal to the number of processes), give each process a slice and then reconstruct A with the output given by the n processes.

    Best would be to do the slicing manually, by assigning n sub matrices (or an array of n sub-matrices). Actually the compiler gives you the error because it cannot slice it on its own. It needs you to do it.

    See the post here, describing a similar problem.

    Good luck.