I'm redesigning my current app roughly following Chris Bane's excellent intro here. One thing struck me, though:
If I set the new v7-appcompat Toolbar
as actionbar replacement via setSupportActionBar()
and derive my theme from Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar
, then the contextual action bar (CAB) will still pop up and push my contents, including the Toolbar, down:
Now, I could try to make the CAB overlay my Toolbar, but I figured the UI (basically the metrics and placement) of the back button and text of the CAB don't match the Toolbar either (as seen in the image), so I wonder if there is rather a "CAB" mode in the Toolbar implementation so that the Toolbar could take over this role as well?
You need to set the following in your theme:
<item name="windowActionModeOverlay">true</item>
This will make the action mode overlay for content view, and therefore your Toolbar.