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Tips to generate strong RSA keys

Is there any documentation including tips to generate strong RSA key?

I mean not just ' use XXX utility with -X flag'.

I mean some rules in theory. For example, module n should be not less then 1024 bit, etc.

Can anybody tell me?


  • In answer to your question, there is such documentation: Strong primes are required by the ANSI X9.31 standard for use in generating RSA keys for digital signatures. This makes the factorization of n = p q using Pollard's p − 1 algorithm computationally infeasible. However, strong primes do not protect against modulus factorisation using newer algorithms such as Lenstra elliptic curve factorization and Number Field Sieve algorithm.

    The version 4 RSA Laboratories’ Frequently Asked Questions About Today’s Cryptography was published in 1998 and can be found here Please pay attention to following questions:

    Question 3.1.4. What are strong primes and are they necessary for RSA?

    In the literature pertaining to RSA, it has often been suggested that in choosing a key pair, one should use socalled “strong” primes p and q to generate the modulus n. Strong primes have certain properties that make the product n hard to factor by specific factoring methods; such properties have included, for example, the existence of a large prime factor of p-1 and a large prime factor of p+1. The reason for these concerns is some factoring methods (for instance, the Pollard p-1 and p+1 methods, see Question 2.3.4) are especially suited to primes p such that p-1 or p+1 has only small factors; strong primes are resistant to these attacks. However, advances in factoring over the last ten years appear to have obviated the advantage of strong primes; the elliptic curve factoring algorithm is one such advance. The new factoring methods have as good a chance of success on strong primes as on “weak” primes. Therefore, choosing traditional “strong” primes alone does not significantly increase security. Choosing large enough primes is what matters. However, there is no danger in using strong, large primes, though it may take slightly longer to generate a strong prime than an arbitrary prime. It is possible new factoring algorithms may be developed in the future which once again target primes with certain properties. If this happens, choosing strong primes may once again help to increase security.

    Question 3.1.5. How large a key should be used in RSA?

    The size of an RSA key typically refers to the size of the modulus n. The two primes, p and q, which compose the modulus, should be of roughly equal length; this makes the modulus harder to factor than if one of the primes is much smaller than the other. If one chooses to use a 768-bit modulus, the primes should each have length approximately 384 bits. If the two primes are extremely close (identical except for, say, 100 - 200 bits), or more generally, if their difference is close to any predetermined amount, then there is a potential security risk, but the probability that two randomly chosen primes are so close is negligible. The best size for an RSA modulus depends on one’s security needs. The larger the modulus, the greater the security, but also the slower the RSA operations. One should choose a modulus length upon consideration, first, of the value of the protected data and how long it needs to be protected, and, second, of how powerful one’s potential threats might be.

    As of 2010, the largest factored RSA number was 768 bits long (232 decimal digits). Its factorization, by a state-of-the-art distributed implementation, took around fifteen hundred CPU years (two years of real time, on many hundreds of computers). This means that, at this date, no larger RSA key has been factored. In practice, RSA keys are typically 1024 to 2048 bits long. Some experts believe that 1024-bit keys may become breakable in the near future; few see any way that 4096-bit keys could be broken in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is generally presumed that RSA is secure if n is sufficiently large.