Search code examples

Drop Down Control Selected Index change event

In my webfrom in I have a grid view a button, a text box and a Dropdownlist. I have a method like this to call and select the data in to my grid view.

public void fillGridByAuthor(string searchKey)
    GVDetails.DataSource = new ViewAllBKByAuthorOP().searchAuthorByAUNM(searchKey);

This is my business layer method.

 public DataTable searchAuthorByAUNM(string searchKey)
    string query2 = "EXEC SelectBooksDTByAuthor'" + searchKey + "'";
    return new DataAccessLayer().executeTable(query2);

I'm calling fillGridByAuthor method in form in the drop downlist selected index change event like this.

 protected void DDAuthor_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


and in the button click event like this

 protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


It is working fine when the button is clicked. Though I select the same Item in the drop down list, it doesn't give me the same output. What's incorrect here?


  • Just set AutoPostBack property of your dropdownlist to true and it will work like a charm.