In my webfrom in I have a grid view a button, a text box and a Dropdownlist. I have a method like this to call and select the data in to my grid view.
public void fillGridByAuthor(string searchKey)
GVDetails.DataSource = new ViewAllBKByAuthorOP().searchAuthorByAUNM(searchKey);
This is my business layer method.
public DataTable searchAuthorByAUNM(string searchKey)
string query2 = "EXEC SelectBooksDTByAuthor'" + searchKey + "'";
return new DataAccessLayer().executeTable(query2);
I'm calling fillGridByAuthor method in form in the drop downlist selected index change event like this.
protected void DDAuthor_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
and in the button click event like this
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
It is working fine when the button is clicked. Though I select the same Item in the drop down list, it doesn't give me the same output. What's incorrect here?
Just set AutoPostBack property of your dropdownlist to true and it will work like a charm.