In my database I have 5 separate schemas so that I can organize objects into logical groups. I used dbicdump
to create my DBIx::Class schema, but noticed that it only loaded tables from the public schema. I figured out how to load all my schemas using dbicdump, but now I'm at a loss on where to go from here setting everything up and using it. I've looked online for any resources, and found very little documentation. The only thing I did find, I really wasn't too happy with the solution. I am wondering if anyone has encountered this before, and how they dealt with it.
You'll need a recent DBIx::Class I believe, but I use something like this:
use v5.14;
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader qw/ make_schema_at /;
use Path::Tiny;
my $dest_dir = '.';
my $pkg_base = 'Foo';
(my $pkg_dir = $pkg_base) =~ s/::/\//g;
# Delete any previous run
debug => 0,
dump_directory => $dest_dir,
db_schema => '%',
moniker_parts => ['schema', 'name'],
#rescan => 1,
[ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb port=5432', 'dbuser', 'dbpass' ],
That gives me something like:
There are details of the various options in the docs. I seem to remember I cross-referenced the docs with the source of dbicdump when I put it together.