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OpenTok Android SDK 2.0, setPublishVideo(false) does not free the Camera. Any workarounds known?

I'm trying to take a picture while there's an ongoing OpenTok video conference in an Android application. I use OpenTok SDK 2.0 for Android.

I tried to use publisher.setPublishVideo(false) to temporarily free the Camera so that the default Camera Activity can be used to take a picture. But looks like OpenTok does not free the Camera hardware.

As a workaround I tried using session.unpublish(publisher), which frees the Camera (and it also cuts the audio stream which is not desirable for me) but once I'm done with taking a picture, this time the a/v is not restored with session.publish(publisher).

Any help on this?


  • Late response, but figured this may help for anyone who comes across the same issue.

    My solution was to destroy capturer prior to starting intent to take picture

    BaseVideoCapturer bvc = mPublisher.getCapturer();
    if(bvc != null){
    //intent to start picture capture (Ex. ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE)

    When you resume after taking the picture, you will need to initialize again

    BaseVideoCapturer bvc = mPublisher.getCapturer();
    if(bvc != null){
        if(bvc.isCaptureStarted() == false){