I've been trying to create a program that takes an input and checks to see whether that input is in some text from a file. My end goal is to create a user login GUI, but I will not show the code for the GUI here as there is quite a lot. I need to work out how to compare text from an input and from the file. This is my code so far
def check(entry):
search = open('password.txt', 'r')
if str(entry) in str(search):
return (entry, "Word found")
return entry, ("Word not found")
with open('password.txt', 'r') as text:
print (text.read())
while True:
entry=input("\nSearch for word: ")
When I run the code it will say that 1, 2, 5 and 12 are all in the text but none of the words that are in text are confirmed. If anyone could help it would be appreciated, thanks.
Ignoring the security bad ideas covered in another comment, str(search) doesn't work like you think it does. If you print it, you should see something like:
<open file 'password.txt', mode 'r' at 0x0000000001EB2810>
which is a description of the object you created with the open function. You need to read the file into a string first with the .read() method.