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Access Quick Tools Toolbar in Adobe Acrobat XI using applescript

I'm writing applescript to automate acrobat. I'm trying to find UI element inside Quick Tools Toolbar in Adobe Acrobat XI.

I have no problem accessing menu bar:

tell menu "Tools" of menu item "Tools" of the menu "View" of menu bar 1 
return UI elements
end tell

But I can't some reason find a way to access Quick Tools Toolbar buttoms.

Adobe Acrobat Quick Tools Toolbar

Please help!


  • Thanks Max, I got it finally: I created JS file with simple code

    app.addMenuItem({cName:"Convert Colors", cParent:"View", cExec:'app.execMenuItem("ColorConversionMenuItem");'});

    and I added it into acrobat (USER/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/11.0/JavaScripts/).

    I enabled menu items JavaScript execution privileges in Acrobat Preferences.

    Now I can open "Convert Colors" from main menu bar, and create applescript which do the same.