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Swift globals and global functions in objective c

the documentation says:

Global constants defined in C and Objective-C source files are automatically imported by the Swift compiler as Swift global constants.

But it doesn't say anything about the other way around. I need to define a global swift constant and be able to see it one the objective c side like a global c constant. Like on the swift side define:

public let CARDS = ["card1", "card2"]

and see use it on the objective c side like

NSLog(@"Cards count: %d", [CARDS count])

What should I do? I've already imported the swift automatically generated header like:

#import "MyProject-Swift.h"

and in Xcode if I command-click on it, it takes me to the correct place in the swift code, but at compile time I get:

'User of undeclared Identifier CARDS'

on my objective c side.


  • Here is the document about it

    You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s marked with the @objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed here:

    • Generics
    • Tuples
    • Enumerations defined in Swift
    • Structures defined in Swift
    • Top-level functions defined in Swift
    • Global variables defined in Swift
    • Typealiases defined in Swift
    • Swift-style variadics
    • Nested types
    • Curried functions

    Global variables (including constants) are unaccessible from Objective-C.

    Instead, you have to declare a class which has accessors for the global constants.

    // Swift
    public let CARDS = ["card1", "card2"]
    @objc class AppConstant {
       private init() {}
       class func cards() -> [String] { return CARDS }
    // Objective-C
    NSArray *cards = [AppConstant cards];