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What is the right .gitconfig syntax for http.sslCAInfo certificate for specific server?

I'm using a remote git repository via https, which has a self-signed certificate. To make git aware of the self-signed certificates, I have the following in my .gitconfig:

sslCAInfo = /home/user/myselfsigned.cert

This works fine, but when I add another remote with a CA signed certificate, git (or curl?) wrongly tries to use the cert file for this remote, too. What is the correct syntax to apply the certificate to a specific remote?


  • I think that question has answer to your question as well:

    git config http."".sslCAInfo <downloaded certificate>.pem

    And gitconfig file will be smth like:

    [http ""]
        sslCAinfo = /path/to/<downloaded certificate>

    Although it doesn't work for me yet...