I would like to show a vertically centered loading spinner like one of these https://github.com/jlong/css-spinners in a web page. Follow the codepen.io link on that page to see them in motion.
How can I do this via CSS? Consider I am dealing with a Google App Engine application based on Python, Twitter Bootstrap and Polymer.
Let's assume you go with the "Plus" spinner. You can wrap this in a fixed position div that covers the whole page:
<div id="pluswrap">
<div class="plus">
Since you might want to use different spinners at times, which have a different width, the CSS shouldn't hardcode the width. You can center an item vertically in a flexbox, and then use margin: 0 auto;
on the item to be centered horizontally.
#pluswrap {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
top: 0;
.plus {
display: flex;
margin: 0 auto;
This way, you can even color the background, make it semi-transparent etc.
Here's a JSFiddle