Wondering what is best way to make sequential queries from Golang for a mongodb. Example lets say you have :
result *bson.M
oids := make([]bson.ObjectId, len(ids))
for i := range ids {
oids[i] = bson.ObjectIdHex(ids[i])
query := bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": oids}}
error:= c.Find(query).All(&result)
And you want to take the output of the _ids and use it as a query for another table. So is this correct?
query = bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": result}}
Here's how to construct a query using the ids of documents returned from some other query.
var docs []bson.M
if err := c.Find(query).All(&docs); err != nil {
// handle error
docIDs := make([]interface{}, len(docs))
for i := range docs {
docIds[i] = docs[i]["_id"]
query = bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$in": docIDs}}