I want to compile a "Hello World" MS-DOS exe.
Not a program that runs in XP 16bit mode, or in MS-DOS mode on top of Windows OSs.
A HELOWRLD.EXE that I can run on my MS-DOS box.
still ships with windows (at least it does with XP). Run debug and enter something along the lines of the following transcript:
c:\src> debug
-a 100
1373:0100 mov ah,9
1373:0102 mov dx,108
1373:0105 int 21
1373:0107 ret
1373:0108 db "Hello world!$"
-n c:\hi.com
-r bx
BX 0000
-r cx
CX 0000
Writing 00015 bytes
c:\src> c:\hi.com
Hello world!
c:\src> _
Read more on DEBUG.EXE at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debug_(command)
And the INT 21 display string http at: http://www.uv.tietgen.dk/staff/mlha/PC/Prog/asm/int/21/09.htm