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How to check out code for SqueakSource?

I created new asserts in the package KernelTests-Numbers of squeak. I cannot find a way to check out these to Squeaksource (a repo) or with monticello. How to check out new tests into the repository to spread it to the community?

Thanks for the answers in advance.


Thanks Tobias.

Here is the Monticello-Code for the Inbox:

location: ''
user: ''
password: ''


Thanks Bert for the Step-by-Step-Manual and screencast link.

Regards, bartak


  • The steps are basically

    1. Update so you have the latest trunk versions
    2. Check the package changes against Trunk repo
    3. Make sure only the methods you actually touched are listed
    4. Save your package to the Inbox repo, giving it a reasonable commit message

    Here is a video I made about how to submit a new package. Note this is for Etoys, so whenever I talk about the "etoys" repo you need to use "trunk", and instead of "etoys-inbox" you use "inbox". The relevant part is from about 1:20 to 4:00 min: