I'm currently developing a VOIP application. To achieve this, I use the PortAudio library to retrieve and play sound, and the Opus library to encode and decode sound packets.
For now, I successfully managed to use PortAudio. My program simply do:
The sound quality is absolutely good.
I'm now trying to encode and decode the sound packet. I've coded an EncodeManagerClass to do it and my program now do:
But now, the sound quality is absolutely horrible (and it's obviouly problematic in a VOIP application).
Here is my EncodeManager
class EncodeManager {
// ctor - dtor
// coplien form
EncodeManager(const EncodeManager &) {}
const EncodeManager &operator=(const EncodeManager &) { return *this; }
// encode - decode
Sound::Encoded encode(const Sound::Decoded &sound);
Sound::Decoded decode(const Sound::Encoded &sound);
// attributes
OpusEncoder *mEncoder;
OpusDecoder *mDecoder;
Here is the source file:
EncodeManager::EncodeManager(void) {
int error;
mEncoder = opus_encoder_create(Sound::SAMPLE_RATE, Sound::NB_CHANNELS, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &error);
if (error != OPUS_OK)
throw new SoundException("fail opus_encoder_create");
mDecoder = opus_decoder_create(Sound::SAMPLE_RATE, Sound::NB_CHANNELS, &error);
if (error != OPUS_OK)
throw new SoundException("fail opus_decoder_create");
EncodeManager::~EncodeManager(void) {
if (mEncoder)
if (mDecoder)
Sound::Encoded EncodeManager::encode(const Sound::Decoded &sound) {
Sound::Encoded encoded;
encoded.buffer = new unsigned char[sound.size];
encoded.size = opus_encode_float(mEncoder, sound.buffer, Sound::FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, encoded.buffer, sound.size);
if (encoded.size < 0)
throw new SoundException("fail opus_encode_float");
return encoded;
Sound::Decoded EncodeManager::decode(const Sound::Encoded &sound) {
Sound::Decoded decoded;
decoded.buffer = new float[Sound::FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * Sound::NB_CHANNELS];
decoded.size = opus_decode_float(mDecoder, sound.buffer, sound.size, decoded.buffer, Sound::FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, 0);
if (decoded.size < 0)
throw new SoundException("fail opus_decode_float");
return decoded;
Here is my main:
int main(void) {
SoundInputDevice input;
SoundOutputDevice output;
EncodeManager encodeManager;
while (true) {
Sound::Decoded *sound;
input >> sound;
if (sound) {
Sound::Encoded encodedSound = encodeManager.encode(*sound);
Sound::Decoded decodedSound = encodeManager.decode(encodedSound);
output << &decodedSound;
return 0;
Additional informations:
const int SAMPLE_RATE = 48000;
const int NB_CHANNELS = 2;
const int FRAMES_PER_BUFFER = 480;
I've tried to configure the opus encoder with opus_encode_ctl
(bandwidth, bitrate, VBR), but it doesn't work at all: sound quality is still shitty.
Even if I change the SAMPLE_RATE or the FRAME_PER_BUFFER, sound quality doesn't improve...
Have I missed something concerning PortAudio/Opus?
I finally find a solution.
The issue does not come from Opus but from the main...
if (sound) {
Sound::Encoded encodedSound = encodeManager.encode(*sound);
Sound::Decoded decodedSound = encodeManager.decode(encodedSound);
output << &decodedSound;
Here, I pass a local variable to my output stream. But the output stream works asynchronously: so my variable was destroyed before the sound packed was played.
Using pointers is the simplest way to solve the problem. I personnaly decided to refactore a little bit my code.