Let us consider breaking out of an otherwise non-terminating fold:
(call/cc (lambda (folded)
(lambda (acc v)
(if (< v 5)
(cons v acc)
(folded acc)))
(in-naturals 0))))
; returns '(4 3 2 1 0)
The Haskell equivalent of the above code would be
callCC $ \folded -> foldl (\acc v -> if v < 5 then v:acc else folded acc) [] [0..]
This code does not compile and complains about being unable to construct an infinite type in the expression folded acc. I already have an idea how to eliminate this kind of error in cases like the Y combinator, but the same approach does not seem to work here. What is the right approach for this kind of situation?
yeah; as j. abrahamson says,
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad
bar :: Cont r [Int]
bar = callCC $ \folded ->
foldM (\acc v -> do
when (v >= 5) $ folded acc
return $ v : acc) [] [0..]
thing = runCont bar id