I'm trying to construct an algebraic data type that represents polynomials. Given the definition that an Integer constant is a polynomial and that if you add two polynomials or multiply two polynomials, it results in a polynomial.
I'm having a difficult time understanding how algebraic data types work in general and how I would even go about producing this. I currently have
data Poly = Const Int |
Add Poly Poly |
Mult Poly Poly
However I don't know what this even means or how to use it, I'm simply going off of examples I've seen of algebraic data types.
I've seen types like
data Tree = NullT |
Node Int Tree Tree
That makes more sense to me, and how to use it. The polynomial example seems so abstract I don't know where to start.
Edit: When I try to implement simple testing functions like:
evalPoly :: Poly -> Int
evalPoly (Const n) = n
I'm met with the error
*Polynomial> evalPoly Poly 1
<interactive>:25:10: Not in scope: data constructor ‘Poly’
Edit again: Thank you for all your suggestions and help, it's helped me produce something that's working for my purposes!
You seem to want to make an ADT for polynomials, but I'd prefer to use a Map. First some imports:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Function (on)
A polynomial is a Map from powers of x to coefficients.
newtype Poly a n = Poly {coeffMap :: M.Map n a} deriving (Show)
lift f = Poly . f . coeffMap
Let's make some simple polynomials:
zero = Poly M.empty -- none of the powers have non-zero coefficients
x = Poly $ M.singleton 1 1 -- x^1 has coefficient 1
constant 0 = zero
constant a = Poly $ M.singleton 0 a -- x^0 has coefficient a
A standard thing to do with a polynomial is evaluate it with a particular value for x.
The fold here takes the partially-calculated b
and adds on the new term, a*x^n
evalAt :: (Num a, Integral n) => a -> Poly a n -> a
evalAt x = M.foldrWithKey (\n a b -> b + a*x^n) 0 . coeffMap
If we want to use a Map function, we can lift it from Map n a
to Poly n a
I'd like to be able to map on the coefficients, but I don't want to make this an instance of Functor because it's a classic student error to apply operations like squaring, applying trigonometrical or logarithmic functions or taking square roots term by term, when in fact only a tiny few things like scalar multiplication, differentiation and integration work like this. Providing fmap encourages you to do wong things like fmap (+1)
instead of (+ (constant 1))
mapCoeffs :: (a -> b) -> Poly a n -> Poly b n
mapCoeffs f = lift (fmap f)
Maps already collect like terms automatically, but we'll want to omit terms with zero coefficients:
strikeZeros :: (Num a,Eq a) => Poly a n -> Poly a n
strikeZeros = lift $ M.filter (/= 0)
Now we can make the instances:
instance (Eq a,Num a,Ord n,Num n) => Eq (Poly a n) where
f == g = f - g == zero
instance (Eq a,Num a,Num n,Ord n) => Num (Poly a n) where
fromInteger = constant . fromInteger
signum (Poly m) | M.null m = zero
| otherwise = let (n,a) = M.findMax m in
Poly $ M.singleton n (signum a)
abs = mapCoeffs abs
negate = mapCoeffs negate
(+) = (strikeZeros.) . (Poly.) . ((M.unionWith (+)) `on` coeffMap)
(Poly m) * (Poly m') = Poly $
M.fromListWith (+) [(n+n',a*a') | (n,a)<-M.assocs m, (n',a')<-M.assocs m']
In action:
ghci> 3*x^4 + 6 + 2*x^7
Poly {coeffMap = fromList [(0,6),(4,3),(7,2)]}