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Xcode .pch error while compiling. clang file not found

I have a very annoying problem.
I backed up my code on Dropbox but now i get this error while compiling

clang: error: no such file or directory: '../firstFoo-Prefix.pch'

Since the only .pch file in my project in Xcode and my project folder is secondFoo-Prefix.pch and I don't know how to fix this error I've decided to remove every .pch file so i went into Project> Build Settings and removed everything in the Prefix Header and set Precompile Prefix Header to NO.

Before this the Prefix Header had value secondFoo-Prefix.pch and not firstFoo-Prefix.pch.
Even though the compiler should not look for .pch files I still get that error.
I've looked everywhere in my project but I can't seem to find anywhere firstFoo-Prefix.pch.
Any ideas?
Thank you


  • This can occur (not your fault) when the Xcode project file database gets messed up such that the referenced file does not appear in the navigation area but is still somehow included in one of the various list of files used for the build phases.

    To see if this is the case:

    • In the Finder, right click on the project file and select 'Show Package Contents'
    • Right click on the file 'project.pbxproj' and 'Open With->'
    • In TextEdit menu: 'Edit->Find->Find...' [or command-F] then enter '.pch'
    • Look at all occurrences of '.pch' [command -G to move to next one]

    If you find occurrences of '../firstFoo-Prefix.pch' then your project file is corrupted. Looking at the context of the occurrence(s) will give you some indication of which area the corruption occurs in (e.g. build phase compile files list).

    Sometimes just deleting those references (after having backed-up the project file of course) has worked for us but other times it just makes matters worse. The safest recovery is to create a new project file and copy over all the folder groups and settings manually. Your source code is all fine, it's just the cross-references and build settings that need reworking.