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Enforcing strictness in Haskell

While doing some TTD in Haskell, I recently developed the following function:

import Test.HUnit
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Exception

assertException :: (Show a) => TypeRep -> IO a -> Assertion
assertException errType fun = catch (fun >> assertFailure msg) handle
    msg = show errType ++ " exception was not raised!"
    handle (SomeException e) [...]

The function takes a Type representation of an expected exception and an IO action. The problem is that most of the time I don't get the exception thrown even though I should have been, because of laziness. Often failing parts of fun are actually never evaluated here.

To remedy this i tried to replace (fun >> assertFailure msg) with (seq fun $ assertFailure msg). I also tried to enable BangPatterns extension and put a bang before fun binding, but none of it helped. So how can I really force Haskell to evaluate fun strictly?


  • You have to distinguish between:

    • Evaluating the value of type IO a
    • Running the action represented by it, which may have side effects and returns a value of type a, and
    • Evaluating the result of type a (or parts of it).

    These always happen in that order, but not necessarily all of it. The code

    foo1 :: IO a -> IO ()
    foo1 f = do
       seq f (putStrLn "done")

    will do only the first, while

    foo2 :: IO a -> IO ()
    foo2 f = do
       f -- equivalent to _ <- f
       putStrLn "done"

    also does the second and finally

    foo3 :: IO a -> IO ()
    foo3 f = do
       x <- f 
       seq x $ putStrLn "done"

    also does the third (but the usual caveats of using seq on a complex data type like lists apply).

    Try these arguments and observe that foo1, foo2 and foo3 treat them differently.

    f1 = error "I am not a value"
    f2 = fix id -- neither am I
    f3 = do {putStrLn "Something is printed"; return 42}
    f4 = do {putStrLn "Something is printed"; return (error "x has been evaluated")}
    f5 = do {putStrLn "Something is printed"; return (Just (error "x has been deeply evaluated"))}