I'd like to delete a whole "TableData" Elemt with a specific ID (ID 10 in this case) from my xml:
I tried two different solutions and I think I'm almost there.
Solution 1:
Dim XmldocDel As New XmlDocument()
XmldocDel.Load("" & buildSettingsPath)
Dim node As XmlNode
node = XmldocDel.SelectSingleNode("//DataPaths/TableData[ID = '10']")
If MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete:", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then
If node IsNot Nothing Then
XmldocDel.Save("" & buildSettingsPath)
MessageBox.Show("No node found")
End If
Exit Sub
End If
I'm getting a null Exception here.
Solution 2:
Dim clientNodes = XmldocDel.SelectNodes("//ID")
For Each elem As Xml.XmlElement In clientNodes
If elem.InnerText = "10" Then
Exit For
End If
This will simply do nothing.
Using solution 1, since you want to delete the whole TableData
element, the XPath should've selected TableData
element instead of ID
element :
node = XmldocDel.SelectSingleNode("//DataPaths/TableData[ID = '10']")
*) updated above XPath a bit. Looking at the XML posted, the first step should be DataPaths
instead of DataSetPaths
Your actual XML has default namespace. So in this case, you need to register a prefix mapped to the default namespace URI using XmlNamespaceManager
. Use the registered prefix in the XPath, and pass the namespace manager as 2nd parameter of SelectSingleNode()
method :
Dim nsManager As New XmlNamespaceManager(New NameTable())
nsManager.AddNamespace("d", "http://tempuri.org/DataPaths.xsd")
node = XmldocDel.SelectSingleNode("//d:DataPaths/d:TableData[d:ID = '10']", nsManager)