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Creating a security realm on WildFly 8.1.0 - Node path format is wrong around 'x' on issuing a command to create the realm

When issuing the following command on jboss-cli.bat (an MS-DOS batch file for windows) to create a security realm on WildFly 8.1.0 final as mentioned in this migration guide,

  cd ./subsystem=security/security-domain=app
       login-modules=[ {
           principalsQuery="SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?",
           rolesQuery="SELECT group_id, 'Roles'
                       FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id
                       WHERE urt.user_id=?", hashAlgorithm="SHA-256",
       }, {

I get the following error on the cli prompt :

Node path format is wrong around 'cd.' (index 67)

If cd is removed, then the following error is reported.

Failed to perform read-opration-description to validate the request: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Operation failed

The command is given in a contiguous text format as follows.

./subsystem=security/security-domain=app:add(cache-type="default") cd ./subsystem=security/security-domain=app ./authentication=classic:add(login-modules=[ {code="Database",flag="required",module-options={dsJndiName="java:/jdbc/project_datasource",principalsQuery="SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?",rolesQuery="SELECT group_id, 'Roles' FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id WHERE urt.user_id=?",hashAlgorithm="SHA-256",hashEncoding="BASE64",unauthenticatedIdentity="guest"}},{code="RoleMapping",flag="required",module-options={rolesProperties="file:${jboss.server.config.dir} /",replaceRole="false"}}])

What is the fix? I just do not want to copy/past the XML to the configuration file as it might be different from version to version.


  • The problem is with combining more commands on a single line.

    The simple solution for you is to use external file to store the CLI commands.

    E.g. create security-domain.cli file in wildfly-8.1.0.Final/bin folder with following content (if you want to split a command to more lines, put backslash as a last character):

    /subsystem=security/security-domain=app/authentication=classic/login-module=Database:add( \
        code="Database", \
        flag="required", \
        module-options=[ \
            ("dsJndiName"=>"java:/jdbc/project_datasource"), \
            ("principalsQuery"=>"SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?"), \
            ("rolesQuery"=>"SELECT group_id, 'Roles' FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id WHERE urt.user_id=?"), \
            ("hashAlgorithm"=>"SHA-256"), \
            ("hashEncoding"=>"BASE64"), \
            ("unauthenticatedIdentity"=>"guest") \
    /subsystem=security/security-domain=app/authentication=classic/login-module=RoleMapping:add( \
        code="RoleMapping", \
        flag="required", \
        module-options=[ \
            ("rolesProperties"=>"file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/"), \
            ("replaceRole"=>"false") \

    (Your sample contains old style of setting login modules. It's a deprecated way now, so the example usage the new way.)

    Run the new file with JBoss CLI tool:

    jboss-cli.bat -c --file=security-domain.cli