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Is nlog(n) Big Theta(n)? Master Theorem

Is n⋅log(n) in Θ(n)?
Im asking this because I am solving reccurrences using the master theorem.

The equation is T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n

The solution says that it fulfills case 2, meaning T(n) = Θ(n log(n)).

I don't understand how n log(n) could be O(n), shouldn't n log(n) be greater than n when n > 10?


  • No, n log n ≠ Θ(n). To see this, notice that

    limn → ∞ ((n log n) / n) = limn → ∞ log n = ∞

    Since this limit tends toward infinity, we see that n log n is not Θ(n). Did you find a source that says otherwise?

    Hope this helps!