I extended PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite to overwrite the setUp and tearDown methode because I need PHPUnit to do some operation before and after a suite of test. (the test are in multiple TestCase class.)
class MyTestSuite extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite {
protected function setUp()
//do some stuff before all tests are run
protected function tearDown()
//do some stuff after all tests are run
How in a xml config file do I tell phpunit to use this TestSuite class and then bound the testCase class to it? All I can find are example like this which doesnt seem like specify which test suite class phpunit shall use.
<testsuite name="money">
In https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.configuration.html#appendixes.configuration.testsuites there is this information:
The <testsuites> element and its one or more <testsuite> children can be used to compose a test suite out of test suites and test cases.
I use Ecomdev_PHPUnit
in Magento, which does subclass like you want, look at its xml:
<testsuite name="Magento Test Suite">
So just pass the test suite complete path I guess!