I have a need to duplicate slices (and part of the underlying array) so a caller won't mutate the original elements of an array. I think I can write a function to do this for arrays of specific types:
func duplicateSliceOfSomeType(sliceOfSomeType []SomeType) []SomeType {
dulicate := make([]SomeType, len(sliceOfSomeType))
copy(duplicate, sliceOfSomeType)
return duplicate
But is there a way to create the same method generically, perhaps without generics?
func duplicateSlice(slice []?) []?{
duplicate := make([]?, len(slice))
copy(duplicate, slice)
return duplicate
You could write one simple statement to make a shallow copy of a slice,
b := append([]T(nil), a...)
Which is equivalent to,
b := make([]T, len(a))
copy(b, a)
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
type T int
func main() {
a := []T{4, 2}
b := append([]T(nil), a...)
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
b[0] = 9
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
0x10328000 [4 2] 0x10328020 [4 2]
0x10328000 [4 2] 0x10328020 [9 2]
Common difficulties with reflection
If people are new to Go, they shouldn't be using reflection at all.
Reflection is subtle even for experts. It exposes details whose understanding depends on knowing pretty fundamental things about how the language works and, to a lesser extent, how it is implemented. It can be bewildering even for experienced Go programmers; for newly minted Gophers there are much more important, simpler things to learn first. Those who learn reflection too early confuse themselves cloud their understanding of those fundamentals. Best to keep it at arm's length until the rest of the picture is clear.
That said,
package main
import (
func CopySlice(s interface{}) interface{} {
t, v := reflect.TypeOf(s), reflect.ValueOf(s)
c := reflect.MakeSlice(t, v.Len(), v.Len())
reflect.Copy(c, v)
return c.Interface()
type T int
func main() {
// append
a := []T{4, 2}
b := append([]T(nil), a...)
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
b[0] = 9
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
// make and copy
a := []T{4, 2}
b := make([]T, len(a))
copy(b, a)
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
b[0] = 9
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
// reflection
a := []T{4, 2}
b := CopySlice(a).([]T)
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
b[0] = 9
fmt.Println(&a[0], a, &b[0], b)
0xc20800a200 [4 2] 0xc20800a210 [4 2]
0xc20800a200 [4 2] 0xc20800a210 [9 2]
0xc20800a290 [4 2] 0xc20800a2a0 [4 2]
0xc20800a290 [4 2] 0xc20800a2a0 [9 2]
0xc20800a310 [4 2] 0xc20800a320 [4 2]
0xc20800a310 [4 2] 0xc20800a320 [9 2]